Lost City of Chernobyl

“In matters nuclear one thing is certain: there is no protection in an iron curtain.” A letter in The Times May 3rd, 1986.

On the 26th of April 1986 shortly after midnight, to be precise, at 1:23 GMT, there occurred near the Ukrainian town of Chornobyl a tremendous explosion at a huge nuclear power plant, followed by a gradual meltdown of the reactor No. 4.

Chornobyl is situated 80 miles north-west of Kiev, the ancient capital of Ukraine and the Soviet Union’s third largest city.

It was by far the worst nuclear reactor accident ever, which immediately sent a radioactive cloud across neighbouring Byelorussia, Poland and the Baltic Republics towards Scandinavia.

Within days, borne by shifting winds, radioactive mists wafted beyond Soviet borders and spread across most of Europe causing anxiety, apprehension and fear.

The most badly affected were the Republics of Ukraine and Byelorussia. They suffered large scale involuntary irradiation, due to extensive secrecy, and great economic damage. Furthermore the contaminated air mass passed over large areas of Poland and also over parts of Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Yugoslavia and a number of West European countries.

Till now the land is abandoned, thousands of houses, thousands acres of the land, everything is now stays almost the same as it was 20 years ago.

Nowadays there guided tours are being conducted to this area. These photos are made by Alexandr Vikulov, pikul2001@mail.ru while participating in such a trip.

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This Soviet Era sign indicates the entrance to Chernobyl county. Many of the things there stand unchanged since Soviet union times.

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This is also a sign from Soviet times on one of the buildings in Chernobyl. There is life now in Chernobyl, some people decided to return despite the radiation hazard. The members of this trip have noticed even one building was being renovated.

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Still people are very rare on the streets of Chernobyl. All the pipes now are on top of the ground, because the soild is nuclear polluted.

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This is the main square in downtown of Chernobyl.

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It is the monument to the people who tried to shut down the nuclear station right after the accident happened. Many of the died – some same year (1986) others a little bit later.

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This is also that monument. On the road to the monument there are a lot of signs warning about nuclear pollution, but trees and bushes grew all over them so it’s possible not to notice such signs. Nature is not afraid of radiation.

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This is kindergatten kindergarten on the way to Chernobyl in one of the abandoned villages.

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This is a bedroom in it.

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Toys are lying all over the place.

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Music notes.

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How is it correct to cross a road?

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One more bedroom.

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This is a Chernobyl Nuclear Station itself. Even now people there work, they build a special cover on top of the blown up reactor, so that radiation could not spread further. They are allowed to work inside not more than 2 minutes a day in special protective uniform, and they get $1000 monthly salary for this 2 minute job a day, which is 5 times bigger than an average salary in this region. Many people try to tune their the dosage indicators so that they show less numbers than they got in reality so that they could work more and earn more.

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This was a cultural center for Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant workers.

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Coming inside…

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Such huge pictures across the walls were very classy in Soviet 80s.

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This is a gym, Soviet symbolics is left untouched. Probably no other places in former USSR where it can be found so.

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Through the floor there is already a tree grew. Probably a result of some mutation?

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Here is written “Brave ones”

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Sport equipment.

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And that’s a view to a side-show.

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Leaving a gym..

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More Soviet symbolics and portraits of some Soviet leaders.

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“Love” is written here.

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A lonely doll was lost on the asfalt.

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Here were the tickets sold to the side-shows.


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This was a star turn, the big dipper.

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And this is the entrance to it. Some more toys are left..

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And some more Soviet era signs.

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A disposed fire extinguisher.

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It has been said that some mad French artist visited an abandoned city and made series of crazy paintings on the walls all across the city.

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This was the hotel.

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Some more of French paintings.

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Some tables are left on the middle of the square. Look at this Nuclear Hazard sign, it was previously used to be a peaceful sign, now it shows the real state of the things here.

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This is a Soviet style mailbox.

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Piece of the Soviet architecture…

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Inside of School building. Look how many gas-masks!

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Somebody left his shoe in a rush.

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That’s a chemistry classroom.

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And this is a teachers room.

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This is a class log.

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The building of the school suffers demolition…

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Guess what it is.



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This is inside a hospital.

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Inside of a cubicle.

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Chess and a medical thing.

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This is an elevator. It is stuck halfway.

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This medical drug is left untouched for 20 years!

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And some more drugs untouched.

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Beds at the hostpital’s yard.

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Walking across the city. All these trees weren’t here before the accident, 20 years ago. They are a new generation.

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A dock.


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This is another sample of Soviet architecture, 16 stored building with a Soviet state emblem.

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Just another view of it.

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Another street art on the walls of the abandoned city Chernobyl, all of them appeared after the accident, when first tourists appeared.

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And some more on the roof of this 16 stored building from previous photos.


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This is the view on the Chernobyl Power Plant. As it can be seen it stands right in the middle of the city.

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This is that emblem.

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Some giant letters are scattered across the roof. What for? Who knows..

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A view of totally abandoned city.

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Forest came into the city.

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Another piece of art…


379 thoughts on “Lost City of Chernobyl”


    • man….no…it wasnt just those women and children, ENTIRE families were wiped out…by the monsters who rushed to build that reactor

          • Steve,

            Not entirely true. There was a known flaw in RMBK reactors – a flaw that was ignored by the lead engineer running a test at low power. The reactor wasn’t faulty per se.

            A number of errors were made running the test, resulting in hot spots in the reactor core. When the graphite tipped moderator rods were inserted into the reactor as it had effectively gone critical (because SCRAM was turned off more or less), they exploded and blew out 70 or 80 fuel channels. After this, there was no turning back. The reactor underwent a steam explosion that blew the top off the reactor and spread fuel and moderator rods out of the reactor, taking the roof off, and ejecting radioactive material into the atmosphere.

            So no, not faulty but badly managed under the situation of the test.

  1. Perfect photos… very emotive place.

    Just a question: what’s the difference between Chernobyl and Pripyat? (sorry about the transliteration)

        • Hi maxime, I am angel from Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic. I directly write you because seem that you know about these cities, I love the history, geografy and all these seemed sciences, so are my passion, please for first I just want to ask you, what can I I do to visit these cities, are there visited for tourits, how dangerous may be visit there there?

          Please write me to, angelmedrano24@gmail.com

        • Hi maxime, I am angel from Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic. I directly write you because seem that you know about these cities, I love the history, geografy and all these seemed sciences, so are my passion, please for first I just want to ask you, what can I I do to visit these cities, are there visited for tourits, how dangerous may be visit there there?

          Please message me to, angelmedrano24@gmail.com

  2. antuan:
    Chernobyl and Pripyat are different cities, there are 18km between them. Both ones were abandoned. Power plant was in second one. There are also the river named Pripyat.

  3. There are places in the US that look a lot like the city of Chornobyl. Detroit comes to mind, as does St. Louis and Cincinnati. This pictures make me sad, especially the kindergarten and worker cultural center. Wish we had some of those here.

    • There is nothing, I REPEAT NOTHING in the U.S. that looks anything like Chornobly….. yes there is some blite in various cities but there is nothing in Detroit, St louis and Cincinnati that compares…. you are misleading the readers on this site, and you should be ashamed.

      • Being a native Cincinnatian I can verify this for my town I grew up in…and still live in as of now.

        There is nothing close here that even compares to that.. We’ve got empty apartment buildings and factories due to age/abuse/bad investments/bad areas.. Absolutely nothing even CLOSE to this.. on any street in my city.

    • You must never have been to St. Louis if you think these photos look like that. I am sad for the people who used to live in this city and how their lives must have changed however, you should not say things on the internet that are so totally untrue.

  4. невротъебическое сило, в своей давильне усех калеча…

    • erm, its not a weapon, it’s an energy source… the most productive to date and the future of our energy production. this was a terrible accident, that was created by a series of poor decisions and should not be viewed as the inevitable outcome for all nuclear power plants.

  5. 3rd picture caption is wrong. many pipes run above ground across the former soviet union. it is a common site in many cities. it is NOT because of radiated soil.

    that aside, great pictures!

  6. Та жуть вообще – там дыры метровые ща в саркофаге – фонят так, что кожа темнеет!Правда люди до сих пор там как-то работают даже!

  7. Удивительный. Я видел по телевидению фотографии области. Я боялся бы посещать.

  8. There are still ‘Chernobyl-like’ reactors in use today– most famous one is in EU at Ignalina in Lithuania. They are trying to shut it down, but with evil and corrupt Russia olligarchs threatening everyone with oil shut-offs, politicians in Lithuania think it should stay open until 2012.

    Save us all from corrupt Russian leaders!

    • Try going to “pripyat.com”, click “EN” in upper right for translation. Coordinates for Google Earth are:51 24 00 N 30 05 00 E

  9. “Through the floor there is already a tree grew. Probably a result of some mutation?”

    Thanks for the best laugh I’ve had in months!

    There is a tree growing through concrete cement outside my flat in Westminster, I better have the background radiation checked out just in case.

  10. Incredible, it left me in awe. It’s like a time capsule, everything is left as it was 20 years ago (well, except for some grafiti), I gotta visit the place someday. An abandoned city that’s still has many USSR remenbrants. I wonder how it will look 20 years from now, compared to modern cities.

  11. This is not true, above ground pipes are very common in Ukraine, it has nothing to do with the polltion what so ever.

    Also should this not be The Lost City of Pripyat

  12. Dont know what to say – thank you, touching, painfull,,, dont know… different feelings – hello from my childhood, past pain, good and bad memories… I dont know! Looks like a piece of stilllife or frozen life or forgotten life… Anyway people should see pictures like that…

  13. How anyone can find these photos ‘neat’ or ‘cool’ is beyond my comprehension. When I view these photos of desolation I feel an overwhelming sense of grief and loss for those who lost everything; home, family, even their lives. Thousands have died and more will die. The city is dead because most of the people are gone, and should never return. It should be left as a reminder of how wrong we can be when power (of any kind) is more important than people. Thank you for sharing these horrible photos.

  14. Very touching pictures of a place frozen and now lost in time, a place where everyday people worked, lived and loved. So very sad to see those images but they stand as a reminder to our modern day nuclear problems that our society faces and how fragile life really is. My deepest reguards to the people of Chernobyl of the past and the brave people still there. Peace be with you.

  15. Thanks for sharing this and risking even going there . Everyone should see this and realize it could happen anywhere they might live . The worst peace time disaster ever and it should never happen again . An entire city rendered useless , millions of lives affected forever , a festering wound on the surface of mother earth and what is being done about it ?

  16. Wow, great work U have done here. It´s great to see that city without risk of being irradiated. Greetings from Germany and Spain.

  17. It really makes you think why these regular men, just normal guys, put on gas masks, and walked into their death trying to save their loved ones, even if they died in the process.

  18. no it is not safe to go there…an Australian 60 Minutes reported died mysteriously of cancer 3 weeks after visiting the just outside the reactor….he had no know cases of cancer. This city is fascinating but i woudlnt recommend anyone going to see the great city itself unless prepared to risk his/her life

  19. hello
    curently, i’m making a report about chernobyl and these pics is what i’ve searched since weeks.
    but, how dangerous is it now in chernobyl?

    regards from switzerland

  20. Those pictures are quite amazing. I did’nt realize how big that place was! Are people actually allowed to go there and walk around?

  21. Resident Evil Material!!! I wanna Resident Evil game based on Chernobyl! Haha, I can’t believe the forest has grown into the city. It looks more forest-like than a city. Anyway, Awesome Photos.

    • you do not need Resident Evil game based on Chernobyl.
      Just play S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl for real adventur through the Chernobyl NPP.
      Feel the fear with horrible situation. Lot of mutated creature,,
      This game are based from real Chernobyl. First thing i remember from this game are the junkyard of military vehicle (Chinook helicopters,army trucks,and many more),same with the real conditions.

      have fun!!

  22. They put on gas masks and tried to save their loved ones because that is human nature. People are, no matter what they may do in the end, just trying to survive and keep what they love alive as well. This is beautiful, and Chernobyl will always be remembered.

  23. How terribly devastating for the families that lived here during the time this took place (in order to have these photos a reality. It has only been recently I stumbled upon a website with the accounts of the accident. I cried when I saw what had happened to these people and the way they were left (if the lived at all) to live out their lives. Thank you for keeping their memories alive.

  24. Those are excellent pictures and it really reminds me of my hometown Chernobyl. The pictures brought back my childhood memories of growing up in the city. If it were not for my family’s move to the United States of America two years earlier, we wouldn’t be living right now so I am very thankful.

    Evel U.

  25. Also, has to be noted that nature find his way itself, no doubt. Just one year after the event, the vegetation was already growing again.
    But the trees and vegetation that grows are radioactive, even the dust is radioactive.

    And it’s spreads with the wind, BTW.

    Also, Belarus pays a very heavy price, since 35% of their territory was compromised.

    Surprisely enough, the new generation don’t even had a clue what happend in the Soviet times. I know, some things bad we tend to forget, but this is the best way to repeat history again (yes, Marx was wrong, History repeat itself sometimes!).

    [ ]’s

    • I, at least, bothered to learn of it and intend to teach others of it, and have been a longstanding (since the age of about 9) opponent of nuclear power.(And stupid mistakes, my own included.) Also on your sentiment, history repeats itself all the time. Solomon, who live thousands of years ago said that everything has happened many times before and will happen many times again, and who can argue against that?

      As for the spread by wind, does anyone know how far it spread? To Canada in the west and Mongolia in the east, that’s a pretty wide impact zone. And yet, people haven’t learned their lesson yet. We keep getting warnings (first in warning form, then in petty disasters, then in horrible disasters, next comes what we’ve been warned about. Good luck surviving, I’ll be in my lead bunker if you need me! Izh ayt paei nymi-man! (“I wish peace to all man kind.” In my own language, still in progress. )

  26. thank you very much for putting this on the internet and sharing it with the billions who care, but aren’t yet able to visit and be moved by this echo of history

  27. very strong images, since i really realized about what happened in chernobyl i have looked for information about radiation, the children that were born after that and all those things. i would love to go there to feel it from my own skin.

  28. After looking at those pictures for my design research, im gonna call my mother and ask her what she did, when she was pregnant with me in 1986. crazyyyy…scary and sad. Thank you so much for posting those pictures.

  29. Wow…This is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen. It’s incredibly moving and very interesting. I hope to one day see it in person. Thanks for sharing!

  30. just imagine i have run over these streets in my 13! it is so strange to see my childhood flashbacks now… such first sex and so on… now i am 35 and live in moscow, russia and working for feemale glossy mag… can you inagine! oh noooooooooo! it is not meeee… who i am?

    • The background radiation in Pripyat is definitely higher than normal, but is not dangerous for short periods of time. Since most visitors are in the city for no more than 4-5 hours, it is typically not an issue. Radiation levels are quite variable within the Zone and Pripyat. In the amusement park, we measured around 300 microroentgens/hour, took one step to the left and measured over 1000 microroentgens/hour. There are some areas with higher radiation that are dangerous, but your guide should know where those areas are and keep you away from them.

      I knew the situation regarding radiation when I went to the Zone and was not afraid – if I was, I would not have gone. I trusted that the people I was with would keep me away from any truly dangerous areas. I have had no side effects from my time in the Zone. I know some people that travel there approximately once a month that have suffered no side effects.

      It is safe to travel in the Zone as long as you pay attention to your guide. It is best to stay on paved surfaces (streets and sidewalks) as they typically hold less radiation than vegetation.

  31. А я йиду в Чорнобиль!Заебысь погуляю!!!!

  32. Wow! that is crazy. That would probably be the scariest place on earth. imagine if you were alone in that city? What kind of animals roam there?

  33. Intrigued as to what a place like this must feel like? Especially if spent there alone for a few days.

    Awesome pictures and thanks for sharing them.

  34. Great pictures! But not everyone is from Chernobyl, aren’t they? At least that one where the reactor can be seen on top of the builduing must be from Pripyat. And I think the yellow big dipper is also from Pripyat, not Chernobyl… am I right?

  35. Well hi,
    these pictures are shocked me.But i really interested in the look of Chernobyl at days of now.
    If any1 know where can i find pictures like that message me =)
    [hc_splendyd@freemail.hu] ty 🙂
    and bye

  36. es impresionante ver a traves de estas fotografias las ruinas de la ciudad despues de la explosion dela planta, causa temor pensar que esto pudiera volver a suceder en cualquier lugar donde se ubique una central nucleoelectrica, el tiempo que debe pasar para que quede descontaminado, etc…espero que la humanidad no se arrepienta del daño que le causamos al planeta (y tontamente a nosotros mismos)

  37. Hey, i’m from Russia and i’ve never thought that this city looks like that, I think u understand that it’s just not shown on our TV. Thank you for opening my eyes…

  38. I love you Ksusha – make love to me baby. I want that poontang on my lips and let me eat your clit off.

  39. Russia is such a beauiful place and one of our finest cities shown here gives me such pride what we Russians have done for the place 70 years.

    Long live stalin!

  40. Ей това просто е най-впечатляващото нещо на света !

  41. Awesome pictures and thanks for sharing them.
    Chernobyl is a tragedy and best example of human idiocy.
    Best regards from Sarajevo, Bosnia

  42. I can’t belive they let people live and work there still. It is funny how we think we can control everything and then something like this happens and lets us know how small we really are. Then we soon we forget about it and don’t learn from our mistake….

  43. I don’t think the tree grew through the floor due to mutation. Generally speaking, plants will grown through very solid things. Grass grows up throuch tarmaced roads for instance.
    Anyway, stunning photos. I was blown away by the school pic with the gasmasks.

  44. Excellent site. Imagine if this would have happened all across Russia, the cold war would have ended even sooner than it did and the world would be better off because of it. (Noone likes a rooskie, afterall!) ;D

  45. Very touching photo collection. I might have a little insight into your French artist paintings. In Hiroshima, after the bomb was dropped by the United States, shadows of Japanese citizens were left on walls, effectively showing what they were doing at the time the bomb went off. The walls burned around them but if they were close enough a shadow was imprinted where the burn was not as severe. It has been popular imagery for artists when they try to convey a sense of loss and tragedy for innocent people caught up in a disaster. I have no doubt that these paintings are meant as a tribute to the once bustling population of Chernobyl. The city stands as a reminder to the rest of the world that life can change forever at any moment.

    Chris Dean- USA

  46. Excelentes fotos… belíssimas!!
    Sou pesquisadora brasileira e estava procurando notícias sobre Chernobyl, fico feliz por tê-las encontrado.
    Um abraço!

    • Excelentes fotos… belíssimas!!
      Sou pesquisadora brasileira e estava procurando notícias sobre Chernobyl, fico feliz por tê-las encontrado.
      Um abraço!

      Ṣo Paulo РBRASIL

  47. Looking at the recent pictures of Chernobyl and its like looking at a place in which you would see in a horry movie. I cant help but wonder what it must be like to live amongst the ever present danger of radiation, no escaping from it from its continuing suffication that is holds on the once vibrant city, a city that now sits dormant apart from the few people which brave the conditions so that the nuclear plant can be maintained. I just like to say that I respect those people which tried to prevent the accident from happening and in doing so, sacrificed their own lives and also to all which have passed away over the years, God be with you all.

    Michael Ali (England-Great Britain)

  48. hola soy española de sevilla y me gustaria decir que las imagenes estan muy bien y que me a imprecionado todo lo que paso en chernobil, ha sido alucinante. Un fuerte abrazo desde españa!!!.

  49. excelentes fotos, lastima que haya ocurrido una desgracia asi, para poder crear un arte en ellas (las figuras)

    saludos desde mexico

    • Dear killian, not all proud communists glorify Stalin’s accomplishments…and North Korea doesn’t strive to be a Worker’s Paradise by any means. I have a feeling you are the sort that also banishes dissidents to China, which the left sees as the country which “talks the communist talk, and walks the capitalist walk”.

      Nonetheless, if every proud American were to move to the heartland, I’m sure the remaining lands could offer some sweeping reforms and bring much progress to a backward nation.

      As to the subject at hand, I would also take pride in being able to preserve and display such a piece of Soviet nostalgia in my home, to match the flag. Part of me is satisfied and somehow glad of the isolation which the area has been subject to, but another part of me is worried for the damages that may be done when the area becomes repopulated by peoples without much respect.

    • Joel From Finland:
      you are a proud commie, like many, many others, because you haven’t lived the reality of it, and you don’t even know what it is or what it’s ideology is, all goverments that had claimed to be it, haven’t even come close to it. So, we have to deal with wannabes, socially disfunctional people like you, what a burden… Before you make any comment about my about my origins, let me tell you, i lived in Cuba for 20 years and HAD TO study a lot about socio-political systems. I suggest you to go by Cuba, with no other monetary source than an average job over there, abide by their laws, and eat what you can get with your work… Let me see afterwards for how long you keep being a commie… LOL

  50. Its very sad what happend with the Chernobl´s people, i had the opotunitto meet some of them, because a used to live in Cuba, and several times went to a center where they are.
    I will always remember the face of the children, thank you for post this photos, its a oportunity to the people know about the russian history and how brave is his people.

  51. Beautiful photoblog. One thing that can be concluded is, if left undisturbed, nature takes care of itself, the way the forest have come within the city, its unparalleled greenery!!

  52. August 13,2007

    Chernobyl? Lost City or City of Hope?

    Do we derive sadness or hope…?

    The hope in the Birth perhaps of something new or better
    the building on the sanity that averted the global reality
    of what would have or could have been much worse?
    Do we dwell on the omen or take courage in all those
    who fought for and won a battle for the dream?

    The Dream…


    All we are saying is let there be harmony

    Give Harmony a chance!


  53. please traslate my comentary my eanglish no is fain.
    Me parecen magnificas las fotos, la verdad es que mi profesor de biocincia hizo un comentari hacerca de esta ciudad y me llamo la atencion, pero nunca pence que la problematica de esta ciudad fuera tan garve y que alli no vive nadie. Quiero saber, si hay poblacion viviendo alla y cuanto tiempo podria vivir? y en cuanto tiempo podra ser habitable o no peligrosa esta ciudad por la radiacion?
    Tanks. Yuneiry Cardoso. Bogota-Colombia

  54. Please to translate my English is not good.

    Son magnificas las fotos, mi profesor de biociencias hizo un comentario hacerca de esta ciudad y me intereso, pero nunca pence que la problematica de esta ciudad fuera tan garve y que alli no vive nadie. Quiero saber, si hay poblacion viviendo alla y cuanto tiempo podria vivir? y en cuanto tiempo podra ser normal y no peligrosa por la radiacion?
    En espera de una pronta respuesta.
    Thanks. Yuneiry Cardoso. Bogota-Colombia

  55. Wow… those are breath-taking photos. I have never seen such a photographic portrayal of hopelessness in all my life. I hope to go to Pripyat one day & see for myself what nuclear devestation has wrought. Thanks again,

  56. These pictures are heartbreaking. I just keep coming back to the school, all the gas masks on the floor…

    I’d like to say that for those fascinated with the Chernobyl disaster, STALKER (the game by GPG and THQ) has some incredible detail of the city of pripyat… as in, those pictures of the gym – I’ve walked through those halls and I’ve seen that art, through that game.


  57. Some of these photos are unremarkable, but many say so much more than words can say. Also, a lot of them stand alone, quite well, as interesting art, regardless of the historical/socialogical connection. This posting is much appreciated. I may use a few on my NON-commercial website, http://sumshee.com , along with some of my poetry.

  58. Oh my God! It´s a wonderful empty city, the life is gone and there aren´t kids, Where are its inhabitants?? and what about the guilties?? are they in a jail?? or at the presidents´houses??? and their history responsability????

  59. what kind of people you are – fascinating city, wonderful empty city etc?

    it is a disaster: thousands of dead people, ten thousands of mutilated people (incl children); people who were forced to abandon their homes

    it is a tragedy, there is nothing fascinating in it

    • Sul on tragöödia seisukohalt täiesti õigus, aga siiski on see linn kohapeal olles ka “fascinating”. Unustamatu elamus. Ja hoiatav.

  60. I find Pripyat both fascinating and Tragic, more tragic then anything, we need to learn as much as we can from what happenned here, I believe it is a warning!
    Anyone that thinks Cherny was cool, should read a book called “Voices from Chernobyl” by Svetlana Alexievich
    Not for the Faint hearted! I cryed when I read it.

  61. Thanks for sharing the photos, they’re haunting. Anyone interested in reading a little further about the subject should check out Wormwood Forest, by Mary Mycio, about how nature is reclaiming the city.

  62. WoW. I wonder if someone will be looking at a photo essay of our own cities one day. Perhaps they will be underwater, or beneath the desert.

  63. Realmente es uno de los desastres más grandes de la humanidad. Debemos buscar formas más seguras de generar energía. Las fotos son testimonio fiel para que las generaciones futuras, recuerden lo que puede causar una planta nuclear si llegara colapsar como la de Chernobil. Saludos desde Caracas.

  64. “This is the view on the Chernobyl Power Plant. As it can be seen it stands right in the middle of the city.”

    Actually it’s a few kilometers outside the city. I’ve been last year and it was a few minutes drive from the reactor to Pripyat.

  65. Great pics! But there are huge mistakes in the explanations.

    First of all the pics are about Pripjaty, which is nearer to the power plant, than Chernobyl itself. Pripjaty wasn’t a city, it had about 60 000 residents.

    The Power Plant is NOT IN THE MIDDLE of the town, it’s about 5 kms from it. (see it on Google Earth if you don’t believe me)

    There isn’t any kind of mutation in trees growing inside buildings, that’s just nature taking back the city.

    I’ve been to the Chernobyl area this may. Here are the pics I’ve made:


    (text is in Hungarian)

  66. Great pics! But there are huge mistakes in the explanations.

    First of all the pics are about Pripjaty, which is nearer to the power plant, than Chernobyl itself. Pripjaty wasn’t a city, it had about 60 000 residents..

    The Power Plant is NOT IN THE MIDDLE of the town, it’s about 5 kms from it. (see it on Google Earth if you don’t believe me)

    There isn’t any kind of mutation in trees growing inside buildings, that’s just nature taking back the city.

    I’ve been to the Chernobyl area this may. Here are the pics I’ve made:


    (text is in Hungarian)

  67. It’s just… It’s amazing how chilling a city looks with no people. The photos are really beautiful and eerie, when i get my passport that’s gonna be one of my first stops. Thank you for the pictures.

  68. Que desastre ocurrido , por darle importancia a las armas y a la muerte del enemigo , sin darse cuenta y poner atencion en la vida , en el crear , en la humanidad , no en la muerte , en el destruir.

  69. These photos are totally awesome! How was it like to be in a completely abandoned city, pretty creepy huh? Damn, some could lose their mind! 😀
    Mayby someday I`m gonna visit Pripyat..

  70. I love these pictures so much, they’re so great. They encouraged me to visit this place.

    And I’d like to visit this place by myself.

    Can you give me some information on flights? Prices? Where to go?

    A reply would be greatly appreciated.

  71. i am from turkey but i was wondering about Chernobyl and the town. I looked the pictures and i want to see the Lost City. Is anybody living there?

  72. Hey, I’m doing a speech on Chernobyl and any more information would be great if any of you could help me out. There aren’t many books on the subject…

  73. A co-worker and myself have done a lot of research on this horrible accident at Chernobyl. There is so much information on the web. See kiddofspeed.com, that’s where we had started. It’s very interesting but very, very sad. Thanks for the add’l pictures.

  74. Hello, I have just one question, is there living anybody now in the area of chernobyl bećause those pictures are horrifying, Ghost town. Thanks for answering

  75. Pictures are very suggestives. In my opinion nature is more and more accomodating than humans are. People think human being is the most developed organization on earth but in fact it is the nature itself.

  76. Saludos desde Mexico, que lamentable trajedia pero nos ayuda a reflexionar sobre las grandes consecuencias que se generan por no entender la magnitud de saber manejar substancias tan peligrosas.

  77. Tomorrow is 22nd anniversary of this very sad event. I was 13 when it happened and I remember the talks about disaster. But there was almost nothing about how dangerous it was. Soviet TV showed only technical aspects of rescue activities.
    Anyway – big respect to all victims and people involved.

  78. This is amazing.. I have a morbid fascination with tragic events such as this. Things like this intrigue me. Great job!

    -Kate from the States

    • I was 12 when the disaster happened. I remember being in class when they turned the news on. I was very scared, because my uncle worked at a Nuclear facility. I have not heard much more about it until recently with the release of the new movie about it. These pictures are terrible, and make me want to go visit and do something for the people who have chosen to go back to their homes.

  79. While the world was watching very close when the melt down happened, many have forgotten. I for one will never forget the images of the fire fighters on the roof of the reactor dumping sand on the core. I am sure none of those people are alive today.
    I also saw motion picture shot on emulsion film by the KGB of the streets just after the melt down. You could see flashed of Gama Radiation on the film and knew that the KGB agents we also as good as dead from the exposure.
    These photos are a great insight to where the town is now and how the vegetation has taken over. I couldn’t imagine how the people of the town reacted when they realised exactly what had occurred. It would be interesting to see where some of the people have settled and the long term effects.
    While this event was a disaster, scientists can study the long term effects on the environment and wildlife that has taken over the area.
    I am planning to go to Chernobyl to see and experience the romance of the disaster.

  80. I strongly admire your courage for taking those pictures! I will be interested to do a day trip too! However, I am a paranoid person, I may be thinking I might be radiated after the trip.

    From these pictures, I can imagine what the town of Chernobyl used to look like. It must be teeming with life, laughter of the children! These pictures were really poignant and must have brought back a lot of sad memories to those victims.

    This may be the predicament of our future Earth when the population is zero?

  81. Thank inprecionante the images, great photos, I would like to know if is to decontaminate the site

    I would like to thank response

  82. In Romania is a nuclear plant named Cernavoda…..Ukraina also, have Chernobyl…..Strange coincident…..I hope to do not share the same fate of the doomed ukrainean nuclear plant!

    • The Canadians built the Cernavoda reactor in Romania and they say it’s very high-tech. I would be worried about the Bulgarian ones built with old soviet technology.

  83. Hello from America.
    These pictures are incredible. It truly sets the mood. It’s so lonely.
    While looking through them, I couldnt help but think hopw cool it would be if they shot a movie there. Of course, they would never allow it….

  84. These pictures are “wonderful” because they are enlightening. There’s a window to the past, a warning to the present (maintain your goddamn power plants) and- a whole host of reassuring ghosts: scars of humanity DO fade away. People need to see and understand these things according to their own terms.

    Where I live, nuclear powered ships are not allowed to come into harbour- and there are certainly no nuclear power plants. When I went overseas for the first time and saw a nuclear power plant, I was shaking in my boots! I think we need to keep human frailty in mind when we look at the huge industrial monsters our strange brains have created.

  85. Hello from Australia,

    I was 10 when it happened and I was living in Romania at the time. I remember my parents didn’t allow me 2 go to school for a few weeks. I had to stay indoors. I would say that probably it was a bit safer considering all the comunist-type blocks were built of thick concrete with steel bars running through them.
    Anyway, no one was sure of anything those days and our comunist regime didn’t tell the people much. We were just playing it by the ear.

    1986 a very bad year for humankind, shuttle Challanger has exploded as well during take-off.
    We probably witness the fail of our most advanced technologies that year.

    We still have a long way to go

  86. Incredible shocking pictures, they show how dangerous humans are…even for them selves, awesome work with those pictures, by the way, were you exposed to radiation during your visit to Chernobil?? Greetings from Mexico

  87. La simple vista de una ciudad muerta es orrible en si misma. Estas imagenes nos deben recordar de lo que somos capaces de hacer y donde podemos terminar si no tenemos un poco de cuidado con nuestro mundo. El mio, el de mi progimo. Soy padre recientemente y no sé que mundo es el que eredará mi hija. Chernobil tardará 24.000 años en ser un sitio seguro, demasiado para mi hija.

  88. those pictures reminds me of the nostalgic yet terrified incident at chernobyl…

    i like ur site..
    keep up the good work

  89. Really interesting, photos are really good (they were took for show us that the city is totally empty … there’s nobody on the benches, there are dolls left on the floor …etc)
    It was a horrible thing .

    Well, greetings from France .

  90. Radiation caused nothing visible, it’s the aging of the building materials, and nature (trees, plants, some animals maybe) that affects the outside of the buildings. Yet this place looks like it does because of the people who went down there and looted anything they found of value (including toilet seats). Otherwise, it would look like the inhabitants disappeared and it all got dusty and rusty. Nothing more. And so it was, until some time in 2001.


  91. I’m 31 years old. I’m Italian. When Chernobyl exploded I was 9 years old. I remember all of what happened and the feeling of a colossal catastrophe happened. The feeling of spread fear in our hearts. The feeling of defeat of human being. The uncertainty about the future. The woe for all Chernobyl’s victims.
    Chernobyl is a name that still today arouses dark shadows in my mind. Chernobyl is the defeat of man. It was one of history’s big mistakes. These photos are unique. They evoke tears to the eyes. Hope that memory is preserved and future generations don’t forget.

  92. Пипец фоты. Я б конечно хотел побывать в этом городе! Кстати, в России много подобного можно увидеть, особенно в маленьких городах…

  93. strange how well the city is in terms of physical structure i thought it would be very much more destroyed after a nuclear explosion its very sad thing to see yet its slightly disturbing but manages to grab my attention

  94. …and they wish to build many more nuclear power plants. Hell, they can’t even keep the Banks and stock markets from melting down 5 or 6 times a century. How do they expect to operate so many more reactors without having meltdowns? There must be better ways.

  95. So those are some of the photos that were used by the makers of Call of Duty 4 to create the level of the sniping mission in Chernobil.

  96. So sad. Photos of Chornobyl never fail to sadden me. My family comes from Kiev and Poltava, and I have heard horrible stories of the disaster.

  97. потрясающие а вто же время сташные фотографии…

  98. Oh! dios mio cuando pienso el el call of duty 4 no me imagino como habrá sido la explosion en realidad.Por cierto la fase ta muy chula la recomiendo!!!

    Buen post y buenas fotos…..interesantes…….

  99. Really great pictures, well done to the photographers.
    It has a been a lifelong dream of mine to visit the city one day, it bring a lot of emotions just looking at those photos. I was 4 years old and in Poland when this happened, became really sick because of the radiation. Currently I’m staying in South Africa, such a trip is not easy.

  100. Terrible images. What a disaster. But at the end, the live fights for its place and the forest takes the city. The wilderness reclaim what is its. NEVER MORE.

  101. le temo mas al abandono que a la destruccion……
    Es realmente espelusnante, y triste a la ves.
    Cuidemos muestro medio, de lo contrario donde llegaremos, a ser un mundo como el de las fotos?……….

  102. This is so beautiful and so sad photo collection.
    When I was looking these pics… I was crying.
    Det är ledsamt att se!

  103. When did you take this photographs of Chernobyl,in what year, it was recently¿

    did you sick or ill, after you have left the city¿

    Have you visited a doctor later¿

    Finally, where are you from¿ American, Rusian or another.¿

    please send your answers, if you can, to my mail box:

    arte009@hotmail.com, if you don’t understand spanish (my mail is in spanish) please copy the name over your adrees box. Get me back soon and thanks!

  104. I recomend you to see “LA NOCHE DEL FIN DEL MUNDO” an excelent documentary produced in Spain (My country) by chanel 4. It has been translated to english so you haven’t got any problem to see it.

    I’m really interesting in Chernobyl and all about the effects of radiation in humans. Your answers will be important for my researches.

    thanks a lot again, and get me back!


  105. I simply agree with you. You have shown so heart touching tragic moments of the city and plant and they see it as a time pass entertainment. Whoever say they enjoyed seeing these photos i too join with you in condemning.

  106. Amazing photos of Chernobyl… incredible…I just can believe that ghost town exists….thanks for the pictures…maybe you can create an account on flickr.com for post them and see them more frequently.

    my deepest regards from Chile, SouthAmerica.

  107. Hey! Thanks for these and all of the other photos/links. This is really fascinating and I enjoyed looking at them. I love photography and video. Maybe I’ll do something similar – like “Abandoned North Carolina” or something. Thanks again.


  108. thank you for posting this photos next week i have a presentation @ school about tscherno/tschornobyl this could help me to get a good mark ^^ !

  109. hola queria saber si esas si esas fotos se encuentran en Flickr y donde puedo observar mas fotos sobre esto.

    Felicidades son excelentes fotos

    Gracias por la informacion que puedan darme


    desde Caracas, Venezuela

  110. ya ta giro, engraçado gostei, tem imagens interessantes e giras, e engraçadas, né benny e joana?

  111. “This is the view on the Chernobyl Power Plant. As it can be seen it stands right in the middle of the city.”

    Chernobyl and Pripyat are two cities. Chernobyl is just plant area, Pripyat is the city near it. do not distort the facts, please!

  112. my god, can you imagine actually going there in real life and seeing it, hearing the sounds of that place and breathing the air from there, what I wouldnt give to spend one day there.

    My friends and family think I am crazy but I have a deep fascination with Chernobyl for some odd unexplained reason and would give anything to actually see it in real life before I die/ and before they slap the huge new structure around it.

    radiation doesnt scare me, Ive spent 16 months in Iraq and been in combat etc, I have a healthy respect for it but not fear of it. My personal view is that something will finally get us all sooner or later, after all nobody lives forever and everything you do in life has risks.

  113. In April 1986 I was in Kiev finishing my last year of high school. Now, these photos give me creeps. Especially because all those signs, things, architecture is so familiar — I grew up surrounded by the ones very much alike. That’s why it’s so easy to imagine people who’d lived there and then suddenly had to leave at once and never return. And the place remained with the time stopped.

    Like you can travel in time except you can’t see people, only places…

  114. Thanks a lot for sharing those pictures…those were amazing experience…as if I was seeing it live.

    Abhishek from India was here !!!

  115. 一場無法估計的科學大災難!人員被迫逃難,生病,死亡,致癌.放棄土地,放棄人類在那裡建設的一切.所有物種繼續承受難以消退的放射性物質. WHAT A TRAGEDY !

  116. what happened in Chernobyl that is something we all have to understand the world is being destroyed people,plants & all other living beings are getting destroyed.we as humans have lost Pripyat completely Chernobyl has left such a huge impact & getting it back is not possible it will be not possible for us to regain back atleast in this century and the 1 coming after

  117. That photos are amazing! i really thank you for posting them and for having the courage to go there and take them. The history of Chernobyl is such interesting to me and i felt sadness watching this photos, although i have never been there, hope one day i can travel to see this in person. Keep sharing this amazing things with all of us!
    Regards from Mexico.

  118. i must ov been very protected as a child cuz up untill today, 31/10/09 i never heard ov chernobyl.. my heart melts and im deeply saddened by what iv read.. my heart goes out to every one who suffeerd by this horrific tragedy..x

  119. Picture No.: 71 shows the DUGA / Woodpecker Phased array radar installation on the horizon. Man ! How BIG that thing is ! ( shown elsewhere in this site)

  120. Two great books to read are “Voices of Chernobyl” by Svetlana Alexievich, and “Ablaze, The Story of the Heroes and Victims of Chernobyl” by Piers Paul Read.

    These books are really scarey and very, very, sad.

    Excerpts from the back covers: (I hope I’m doing this correctly.)

    Alaze: “…focusing on the human side of the catastrophe, he (P.Read) gives a blow by blow account of the accident…complete with reconstructed dialogue.” Publishers Weekly

    Voices From Chernobyl: “…I took off all the clothes that I wore there…I gave my cap to my little son. He really wanted it…..Two years later they diagnois a tumor in his brain…You can write the rest yourself. I don’t want to talk anymore.”

    After reading these, I think those that want to see the destruction area because it is “cool” will feel more like seeing the area as a funeral in a cementery. Sadness. Loss. Anger.

    Again I really recommend these two books. I was able to check them out at our local library.

  121. i just wanna say something,i feel so sad really sad about what happen in chernobyl, and i didnt even know about this, i hope that we make a better world in the future, i have no more words to say im in shock.

    god save us.

  122. Those are an amazing set of photos thank you for sharing them. Weren’t you worried about getting irradiated? Who were some of the other people you saw there? How did you get in there since it is not allowed?

  123. radiate in the Chernobyl yet?
    Chernobyl was the uaniu?
    I like a lot … maybe even more where that price
    please tell me.

  124. Great web page, I recently came across it and I’m already a fan. I just got rid of 30 pounds in 30 days, and I am excited to share my weight loss success with as many people as possible. If I can lose weight then any one can. No matter what you do, never quit and you WILL attain all your weight loss goals!

  125. Now, this might sound a bit creepy, but Ukrainian government should not change even a single thing in this city, leave it exactly as it is now and ocean of extreme loving tourists is guaranteed. Sign me first!

  126. This is a very great photo journal. But I can not help but even to this day feel the extreme emotions that emerge from this place. What I would give to be able to change the lives of all those lost.

  127. i have inculcated this strong fascination about the city after playing Call of Duty 4 (MW). i was literally flabbergasted after seeing the destruction and the eerie silence that hung and still hangs over the city. the hotel is our objective in the game from which we go about completing the mission..but before that, we run through a large part of the city and outskirts. the detail in the game is superb!

    thanks a lot for posting these awesome pictures.

  128. I saw a program on the history channel today about the tragedy and my heart broke when I went online to look what it was about how could this have happened ,
    and some of u are right those pics are really not very fun to see but it is a eye opener to the past I hope it will stay there because the people from there whom have suffered so much deserve more then this.


  129. My Condolances to the people of this region and those affected by this tragedy. Thank you so much for posting these incredible photos of this sad place I will never see.
    I am not presently eating popcorn or drinking a coke. These photos are by no means entertaining, but educational.
    My sympathies to the Ukranian people.

  130. My Condolences to the people of this region and those affected by this tragedy. Thank you so much for posting these incredible photos of this sad place I will never see.
    I am not presently eating popcorn or drinking a coke. These photos are by no means entertaining, but educational.
    My sympathies to the Ukrainian people.

  131. wow! add to fav.s! i play stalker based on the chernoble incident!!! did you get radiation? jow did you get close enough to take aphoto of chernoble?

  132. I was in Kiev for further study at exactly that time. I was 20 and learned Russian.I still feel scared. Now I have two children. They are alright.Kiev is so close to Chernobyl. I still remember everythings. Then I left back to my country in July 1986. However I love Kiev and wish I had a chance to be back there.
    I also want to find a Russian girlfriend. She lived with her family in the New Kiev at that time. She was 17 in 1986. Her name is Inna. She joined the city young thearter group and learned a foreign language (but what? I forgot as 25 years pass ,Spanish I think) at The Forfeign Laguage Teacher Trainning College (not far from Kiev Public Stadium) with me. She was so kind to me. I still keep some pictures of her and her mum and sisters.Can anybody tell me what is the best way to find her? I still miss her a lot as we have lots of memories.
    A greeting to you all from Vietnam

  133. I really want to look for my Kievlianka friend. She is Inna. She lived in New Kiev in 1986.She learned with me in Kiev at the time.She was so kind to me, helped me a lot.I still keep some pictures of her and her family. Is anybody know what is the best way to find he? I miss her a lot. A greeting to you all from Vietnam. Thanks

  134. Add some more information about me:
    I come from Vietnam.I was 20 when Chernobyl happened. I studied in Forneign Language College in Kiev in 1986. Want to find all friends studiyng in that college at the time. Thank you all.my email : nghianguyen66@yahoo.com

  135. I read the comment Number 309. Is that you Inna? If Yes please write to me. I will show you your pictures you gave to me nearly 25 years ago before I left Kiev and back to Vietnam.

  136. impresivno…svaki komentar je potpuno suviÅ¡an-slike govore na tisuće riječi…
    …a koliko daleko ljudska glupost tek seže…

  137. pripiat is a town next to the plant,there is also a river named pripiat.however there is no town named chernobyl.chernobyl is the name of the nuke powerplant that exploded in april 5, 1986.it would be amazing to visit the site of the incedent but very upseting as well. r.i.p.

  138. I believe that the person who painted these grafittis has been disrespectful with the country that admitted it as visitor. Equally disrespectful with those who there lived. If they all were doing what this person did, nowadays it would be a city even more horrible ghost. Also I believe that the fact is perverse that some visitors movieran or they were placing objects in such a way that the situation seemed to be even more brutal.

  139. What a terrible tragedy to happen… the cities Chernobyl and Pripyat are beautiful, yet sad. I’d love to visit Pripyat, but I doubt I could stop myself from crying at points.

    Greetings from England.

  140. I enjoyed this very much, I have always been interested in the Chernobyl disaster…the photographs are top notch…thank you for sharing them!!

  141. Great Information, How can i see photos of this city before this disaster. how Chernobyl looks like in 1975. What’s going to happen in the future?
    I loved this very much,

    Thank you

  142. Realmente trsite e impactante, estas fotografias son ejemplos claros de desastre que estamos creando los humanos.

    Ojala no se repita en Japon la historia….

  143. Thanks for sharing your photos. It is truly amazing what mother nature is capable of despite our continued efforts to progress. The most touching pictures for me are the ones where nature is reclaiming the city… trees are engulfing the once inhabited parts of Chernobyl.

  144. thanks for sharing the picture great pic and story… it reminds me of japan incidents at this moments, I hope japan unlike chernoby.

  145. I hope everyone visiting this website “gets” the overall message of how incredibly dangerous nuclear energy is. Too many variables are unpredictable; like right now in Japan. It is just too dangerous to bring a “star” (which is in effect what a power plant is-same basic ingredients as in a star) to earth, encase it in concrete, which we see cracked all around us on every street! and think it will be safe!!! Wind, sun, and geo-thermal are much safer, less expensive, alternatives.

    I was an 18 year old exchange student when I was exposed to Chernobyl’s radiation from the beginning of June to the end of October 1986-and from 1,000 miles (2 countries) away! Years ago I developed thyroid problems, that I just recently recovered from by detoxing my body of radiation–and after all these years! It was a terrible experience I would not hope on my worst enemy!

    Now as an American school-teacher, I am working to see if we can bring children over from the worst hit areas for a much needed break from the ever present radiation. see http://www.chernobyl-children.com/contact.htm

  146. I love how the trees and plants have flourished..

    I could never figure out how on earth they have convinced so many people, that nuclear energy is the clean energy. People need to wake up and stop the lies, and madness of this.

    Thank you for the pictures………

  147. The french art reminds me so much of the work from Banksy. Tragic to know, that radiation again has hit out surfaces.

    – California USA

  148. hey people!!!the author of all that…do you know what is chornobyl for us???lost lives,pollution….a big tragedy!!! and you give the photos of all these ruins and mess….we didn’t want that to happen, never. it makes me pain to see all that!

  149. Seeing these picures is so sad….We have to live in harmony with the planet.It is amazing to see how nature has taken over…Peace and love to everyone…One planet and one life….

  150. These are very haunting photos. Those abandoned toys, books, and everyday items lying scattered on the floor… wow.

    Thank you for these photos.

    -H. from Finland

  151. greetings from Australia. Well done with taking those photos they look excellent. How creepy are those paintings all over the city done by the “french artist”.

  152. thank you guys for taking those pictures. they are amazing and really informative. I was moved by looking at those toys left on the ground, empty bedrooms in empty hospital specially that chair which was used for giving birth to infants with the ” guess what it is ? ” question under it, that abandoned school with empty classes specially that ” Algebra ” textbook, those giant soviet buildings but empty and no residents and so on….
    but i just have one question, wasn’t there any radiation throughout the city? because I saw you guys was walking through the city unprotected! just some masks !!!! you shouldn’t worn some special clothes for visiting a nuclear effected zone???
    Awdell, from IRAN

  153. Woww.. I lost all desire to be a photographer but these photos have really changed my mind.. They truly are amazing and touching. I wish I could go there and see for myself how it is now. This is so, so sad.

  154. that is just sad for all those people who died that day , my father was in russia when this happened for military business three and when hearing about the incident , stayed in russia for another long year as an ordinary solder doing his job. i would feel deeply sorry for the children who died on that unforgetful day as a normal student in pripyat doing his/her work not knowing there about to die so with great respects i honer does whos familys have terrified by the fact that their family members died in a nuclear explosion. also that parady called cherynobyl is just plan stupid and a waste of time for this fact

  155. I watched the movie and some of these pictures are in the movie. It is cool to see them here and in the movie as well. My youngest is 29 and I would hate to have had him using the birthing chair that is pictured above .

  156. Defiantly nuclear reactor is the very good source of energy but due some kind of mistake it got worst and made that place horrible. That affected a lot of life and still there is effect of that nuclear reaction is seen there. That is very sad.

  157. Thanks for writing such a good article. We are agreed to your opinion of everything is now stays almost the same as it was 20 years ago.


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