1. Warrior's Woman
In a universe at war, theirs was a love that burned hotter than a thousand suns.

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Media Platforms Design Team

2. Tender Is the Storm
His passion was her destiny!

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Media Platforms Design Team

3. Scoundrel's Captive
There was no escaping … their passion!

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Media Platforms Design Team

4. Gentle Rogue
She was meant to marry a king, but fate had other plans.

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Media Platforms Design Team

5. El Hombre de Mis Sueños
¡A veces, el amor tiene un precio!

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Media Platforms Design Team

6. Enchant the Heavens
Their love would set the world on fire.

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Media Platforms Design Team

7. Rogue
Of all the women he had known, he had never known love … until he met her!

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Media Platforms Design Team

8. Savage Thunder
Theirs was a passion that would never be tamed.

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Media Platforms Design Team

9. The Shadow and the Star
She longed to escape, until she felt the heat of his passionate touch.

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Media Platforms Design Team

10. Enchanted Paradise
Their love was a dream from which they hoped to never wake.

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Media Platforms Design Team

Follow Charles on Twitter and Instagram.

Models: Carly Ann Filbin, Christian Paluck, Jason Saenz, Sharon Spell

Headshot of Charles Manning
Charles Manning
Style Director

I'm 30 percent bunnies, 40 percent of the time.