31 thoughts on “Who Wants an Apartment In Vladivostok?”

  1. It could use some paint and cleaning up but location is more important. The price a lot lower than anything you can buy in any major California city. No photo’s of actual apartment but I am sure they must be nice.

  2. So sad that ppl would be forced more or less to have to pay that much for something that by all accounts, should be condemned. Now if they were new apartments with awesome amenities, etc, then yes, perhaps that would be a reasonable price. Anyway, thanks Valeria for sharing. Have a great day!

  3. This is a curse which plagues the real estate markets of all countries –
    how is it with declining birthrates that real estate keeps going up and up? In Soviet Times, they simply would have built more apartments.

    In contemporary times, city councils put in absurd regulation to create an artificial shortage

  4. I wonder, what kind of mentality does allow that to happen, it didn’t get that way overnight, did it? The old bomb shelters we saw earlier looked more cosy…

    • Dude, Projects in Chicago, Brooklyn, Harlem, Compton Oakland are the same or far worse than this place. I doubt people here have to eat, sit and watch tv on the floor because of gun violence outside. Scum is scum may it be Russia, Ukraine or Good Ol USA.

    • Yes, because in the Russia everyone is poor and everyone lives in 50yo houses like this, but in the US there are no ghettos or old houses, everyone is rich and all houses are clean and new…. right?!

  5. Pretty Russian Vic’s Secret-worthy roommates would make living in such dump a tad better and it’s not saying much even then.

  6. Sad heritage of the Soviet past. Note the absence of thermal insulation on the outer walls. I am sure the bills for the heat wasted in winter must be enormous.

    • Of course it is. Want example? I do not know of any Czechs working as gastarbeiters in former CCCP, but 99% of the construction workers who renovate these ugly Commie-built housing estates here speak Ukrainian or Russian. The idea of low-cost prefab housing successfully implemented here before the 1948 Commie putsch, which was BTW directly orchestrated from Moscow, was altogether different. It was dependant on so called “Finnish houses” (although they were developped in Sweden) made of wood.

  7. Does anyone believe that? Prices in Moscow city centre are that much and even 2-3 Times higher. But not in a 600t populated city at the end of the world!

  8. 3600 $ per square meter is ridiculous if true. In the eastern german province one can buy properly maintained real estate for 10% of that because there are more houses than tenants.


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