17 thoughts on “The Intel Tank”

  1. Don’t be fooled by advertisements! This is a part of a conference called TDC – Tank Developers Conference. Intel makes chips for highly sophisticated torrent adjusting technology. Because the drivers are so drunk. The chips are powered by Vodka, needless to say.

  2. This is BRDM (боевая разведывательно-дозорная машина) — an armored vehicle for military intelligence, patrolling and sentry purposes, amphibious.

  3. i dont think it was related. but yea. totally. the thing is that producing complex machinery needed to automate the process of creating good processors is beyond the current interest of russian production and would be a risky investment. the chinese and taiwanese on the other hand produce vast quantities of high quality processors because they have better machinery and technology as well as better business opportunity and investors.

  4. “Comment by Miss India
    2008-09-07 16:47:24

    couldnt Russian use their own Computer processor? why use American Intel?”

    Because the Russian one does not fit in the tank:)

  5. Whites being descriminated gaainst again!. I heard this week that kids today are allowing us to be swamped because the usa mafia is running the country. Nine words:r ound thme all up and lock them away. These are worrying times!!!


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