1. The text of the billboard says: “Do you have to hide your sexual preference in the workplace? Discrimination is against the law. Fight against it!”

    I shot this picture last winter, but I wasn’t sure if I should post it on this blog.


  2. Yet an other billboard that is not in use for years now. This is a common thing in the suburbs of Budapest.


  3. Unused notice boards. Nobody’s going to buy anything here.


  4. Public telephones in an underpass. Homeless people are usually sleeping under them.



  6. An other entryphone. This one has a lot of missing names too.


  7. Entryphone with lots of missing names. What happened to those people?


  8. It’s been half a year ago since the last time I posted anything on this page. I wasn’t really making photos recently, I decided to focus more on my music. But this project is not dead. Tonight I’ll post a couple of new shots.


  9. A few weeks ago I was walking by a couple of trash bins when I heard a little kitten crying. I went behind the trash bins, and from under a pile of trash a little red kitten ran up to me. It was 40°C and there was no water or food, the little cat was dirty as hell, and he was clearly dying.

    Now I don’t really like cats (to be honest it is cats who don’t like me) but that is not cool, so I took him home, and called my girlfriend who is an expert in saving cats. While she was on her way the cat fell asleep on my lap. After she arrived I called Ghostmissing, who too has a lot of experience in saving kittens.

    Then we took Mr Kitty (this is not his real name, I call him Igor Vernyákovics) to my girlfriend’s place, and cruised the city for medicines and other stuff cats need.

    Several weeks passed, and now he is perfectly healthy, happy,  and everything. And he behaves quite well in a house, which means he wasn’t born outside, someone trew him out. Sad.

    Now originally I wanted to post this to find a new home for him, but as I expected my girlfriend decided to keep him. So now I just posted it to brag about our new cat.




  12. Lágymányosi bridge.


  13. The flood in 2013 was quite massive.


